Case Study – Emergency Relocation of

Urial Mountain Transcaspian Sheep


In 2023, when Texas was hit with an unexpected freeze, Lone Star ISR was contacted by a 5,000-acre exotic hunting operations to investigate if drone aircraft could be used to move Trans-Caspian (Urial Mountain) Sheep from a covered area of dense brush, where they were taking refuge, to a feeding pasture. The meteorological conditions were too dangerous for helicopters to fly in and the distance could be cost-prohibitive.


The Transcaspian Sheep, while safe and warm where they were bedded down, didn’t want to move to the feeding pasture, more specifically to the pens where the ranch staff could deliver feed and water to them. Additionally, the brush combined with the inclinate weather prevented the ranch staff from effectively moving these very large and majestic animals without the potential for the staff and animals to become injured.


Using a Lone Star ISR Drone with a loudspeaker that is normally used in Search and Rescue operations (SAR), Lone Star ISR’s pilots were able to move the sheep with ease by broadcasting the sound of coyotes from the drone’s speaker.


After 4 days of hard freeze, all animals, valued in excess of $750,000 were safely moved to their feed source without putting the ranch staff at risk physical or cold-weather injury.

Regulatory Notice

All activities herein are lawfully conducted pursuant to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Texas Administrative Code, Title 50 CFR Part 19, and Title 14 CFR Part 107. It is unlawful to count, photograph, capture, or take wildlife or exotic animals by use of aircraft, including unmanned aircraft systems (drones) without an Aerial Wildlife Management Permit in Texas pursuant to Chapter 43, Subchapter G, Sections 43.101-43.112

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