Lone Star ISR provides services many lines of business.

Public Safety

  • Firefighters – Thermal cameras (thermography) on the scenes of fires usually in an industrial setting and mass-casualty events.
  • Police Operations – Lone Star ISR can support Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance operations of law enforcement agencies upon request and provided that all constitutional and operational requirements are met. This may require a warrant signed by a court of competent authority and/or FAA waivers where necessary.
  • Police Policy Development and FAA COAs – Lone Star ISR can work with a law enforcement agency to develop its drone operations policy and procedure manuals making it possible for that agency to apply for Certificate of Authorization and Waiver(s), also known as a COA, from the Federal Aviation Administration. These COAs can allow for an agency to implement a Drone as First Responders (DFR) program and conduct operations Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS). This includes implementing Drone-In-A-Box programs like DroneSense and Motorola’s CAPE technology.
  • Search and Rescue Operations – Lone Star ISR pilots can work with the nearly 30 teams that make up the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) System in addition to local and regional volunteer organizations, easily integrating into their Incident Command structure as an external vendor.

Real Estate

  • Transactional Due Diligence – Lone Star ISR conducts mapping photogrammetry services, providing orthomosaic photography, point cloud integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in conjunction with licensed surveyors at any stage of a transaction. One or more Lone Star ISR pilots can typically fly and map up to 400 acres per day per pilot depending on how the data will be used.
  • Real Estate Tax Mitigation – Lone Star ISR works with Property Tax Consultants licensed by the Texas Department of LIcensing and Regulation to perform evidence capture, land analysis, and conduct census (counts) of domestic and exotic livestock and wildlife when protesting valuation before county appraisal districts.
  • Property Tax Exemption Applications – Lone Star ISR pilots work with landowners and county extension agents to conduct aerial measurements of land to support the filing of agricultural tax-exemptions. Pilots using drones can measure the cumulative pasture sizes for livestock and farmland production of hay and vegetables in addition to livestock census.
  • Real Estate Appraisals – Lone Star ISR Pilots work with Subject Matter Experts, including Real Estate Appraisers to collect and compile information needed to appraise the value of real property.
  • Real Estate Marketing – In the Commercial, Industrial and Ranch settings, Lone Star ISR pilots film and photograph land and the improvements thereupon, highlighting the property’s features. That media is used to build a marketing portfolio that helps sellers and their agents to realize the best price possible. This service is usually provided to transactions in excess of $10,M USD.

Wildlife, Domestic and Exotic Livestock Management

  • Census Measurements – Lone Star ISR pilots can conduct census counts to measure the amount of Wildlife, Exotic and Domestic Livestock on in a given parcel or boundary of land. This can be done with methods using statistical modelling or can be done with a high degree of precision when using thermographic cameras.
  • Animal Movement – Lone Star ISR demonstrated herein its case study, how remote piloted drone aircraft can be used to move livestock when conditions or circumstances prevent landowners from moving animals in a traditional manner or where it may be too dangerous based on the behavior of the animals.
  • Animal Capturing – Lone Star ISR’s pilots can pre-herd or stage animals for capture working exclusively or in conjunction with other common methods used, e.g, netting from a helicopter or all-terrain vehicle. In most instances, when staging wildlife in a pre-trapping pasture, it is far more economical to use drone aircraft costing less than $150/flight hour with pilot when compared to using a Robinson R22 that costs in excess of $426.44/flight hour with pilot.1
  • Predation Detection and Management – Lone Star ISR performs aerial thermography to detect coyotes and other depredating species that prey upon wildlife and livestocks. Upon detection, Lone Star ISR pilots can coordinate with hunters on the ground to eliminate depredating species.

  1. Depending on numerous factors, the average price for a pre-owned ROBINSON R22 Beta II is $203,612.70. A $0.00 loan over 120 months including $0 per month in interest equates to a $0.00 per-period payment. Based on 450 annual owner-operated hours and $6.00-per-gallon fuel cost, the ROBINSON R22 Beta II has total variable costs of $156,717.00, total fixed costs of $35,181.25, and an annual budget of $191,898.25. This breaks down to $426.44 per hour. See also https://www.aircraftcostcalculator.com/AircraftOperatingCosts/633/Robinson+R22+Beta+II ↩︎